Learn the T9 Nav way
When we purchase new products like gadgets, appliances and other stuff, they usually contain a manual that will allow its users to learn how to manage or handle these things. This is also true when it comes to software downloads and applications. There might not be manuals but there exists help pages or links once you’ve downloaded the specific software.
The problem with some of these help pages are they are not so helpful at times. They can be confusing and can cause irritation because of the long, long “manual” or the perplexing choice of words that only the more technologically advance humans can understand.
The good thing about T9 Nav is first, of course, the application comes with a tutorial page that one can find on its T9 Nav setting and options part. Not that it needs it, because the application is actually simple. Just key in what you need to find and presto! Just click it! But for those who might want to learn more on this wonderful software, you can simply go to its tutorial page or just key in 8-9 on your idle page and click on T9 Nav tutorial (T-U or T-9) and T9 Nav presents to you a simple yet very informative and visually-engaging “how-to”.
This application not only makes browsing through your phone very easy but it also makes learning how to use it trouble-free and effortless.
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[[* LINX *]]
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[[*TALK to ME*]]
KaPoWE mE!