In a world full of uncertainty and confusion, there are things that we don't understand thus we tend to not accept life's realities. There are certain things in this world that we want so much but couldn't have. Maybe fate does not totally permit us to have what we want or maybe our timing is just off.
We strive so hard to get good grades. We study day and night, religiously and yet in the end we see that are efforts are just not enough. We start to think, where have we gone wrong? Wasn’t studying enough? Or maybe I’m just too dumb to get good grades. Confusion sets in. We start to wonder whether life will be fair to us or not?! We question our actions and even God.
Life is never fair I guess. If ever it would always fair then I think the world will be such a boring place to live in. Possibly chaos will plague the world because people will always have their way.
Although we accept the fact that life will never be totally fair to us and that there are situations beyond explanation that we encounter, still we can’t help but wonder… why me?! Why for some odd reason these kinds of situations fall upon me. Why certain situations tend to hurt me? Why does it have to hurt when you love? Why is my professor so irritated with me even though I don’t see anything wrong with what I am doing? Why is that some friends tend to leave me hanging?! The list of whys goes on and on.
A friend of mine told me, “how come you always end up in complicated, love situations like this? I think you like it!”. Would anybody be addicted to situations that involves very complicated romantic situations? I wouldn’t. A lot of situations like this come along my way. I guess, for some odd reason, I seem to be luring complications to my life. But no matter anywhere you look at it, it still boils down to choices. I chose to enter these situations. I chose to stay in situations like this all in the name of love (so cliché) . Now I choose to leave this particular situation that I am in.
Loving someone is an easy thing to do. It only becomes difficult when you see it as a difficulty or if outside factors makes it difficult for you.
I’ve been a selfish person who made a persons life complicated. I loved, not realizing that the person that I am loving was caught in the middle. She was caught amongst friends who liked me and even worse caught between me and another guy she loves. Difficult right?! Now I choose to let go and be happy for somebody else. Life goes on right. It’s a matter or psyching yourself so you can live your life in a much meaningful and happier manner.
Life’s unfair I know! But that doesn’t stop us from living life and ultimately… loving. Life’s unfairness and complications spices up ones self and ones life. So go on.. spice me up and soon I’ll be ready to have a better taste of life and I’ll will taste better for life as well.
//visit Iwebmusic for music
|October 2004|November 2004|December 2004|January 2005|February 2005|March 2005|April 2005|May 2005|June 2005|July 2005|August 2005|September 2005|March 2006|April 2006|November 2006|December 2006|January 2007|June 2009|July 2009
[[* LINX *]]
| VAL |
| PIA |
| GOKS |
| BART |
| DANE |
| KC |
| NOY |
| MIKE |
| HOGI |
| AENU |
| JERI |
| KENG |
| JOHN |
| PAM |
| TON |
| JC |
| RA |
[[*TALK to ME*]]
KaPoWE mE!